Ferry Hill House

Residential 2023

Lower Shotover, Queenstown, NZ


Terraced tranquility: modern living on Ferry Hill

The home is located on the lower slopes of Ferry Hill on an elevated terrace overlooking Coronet Peak and the dramatic Shotover Gorge.

The dwelling has been designed in a simple, uncomplicated style comprised of three building forms connected by courtyards. Responding to the existing contours of the site, the building is predominantly single storey, arranged along the existing upper terrace, with monopitch roof forms echoing the slope of the site. Careful design minimises modification of the existing topography and integrates the home with the existing landform.


Natural integration: crafting simplicity with local textures

A restrained, natural palette of materials is proposed, with dark, natural tones for the roof and cladding, characteristic of the local area. Consideration has been given to the modulation and variation of the facades, with a mix of metal and timber claddings combined with natural concrete elements. Careful attention has been paid to proportion and roof pitch, so that the whole reads as a simple, uncluttered architectural form that is in keeping with its surroundings.

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Layered elegance

Lake Hayes