About Us

Homes are more than structures, they narrate your story… we start by listening.

Our Story

Building dreams together: crafting comfort and creativity for living.

At Ben Hudson Architects, we simplify the home-building journey for our clients, transforming complex processes into seamless experiences. Our partnership is rooted in a shared vision for bespoke, well-constructed architecture. Our past experiences and combined expertise infuse every project with a broad and innovative perspective.

Our collaborative process is guided by skilled hands, ensuring that each design reflects dual sensibilities, enhancing the final outcome with meticulous attention to detail. Effective communication and deep trust among clients, architects, consultants, and builders are vital to our success. Employing cutting-edge 3D technology, we stay ahead in architectural design, ready to bring our studio to your site, ensuring every space we craft resonates with its surroundings and exceeds expectations.

Our Approach

Our Team

Queenstown Architect - Ben

Ben Hudson

Founder / Architect

Queenstown Architects - John

John Mathieson

Founder / Designer

Our Services

We are accredited NZIA architects specializing in residential and small-scale commercial architecture.

Our focus ensures expert attention to detail and tailored solutions for every project. Our architectural services include;

  • Site selection and feasibility studies
  • Concept design and developed design
  • Advice on procurement methods
  • Detailed design/ construction documentation
  • Tendering and contractor negotiation services
  • Contact observation and administration/ client representation services